
Cotton Blossom Wreath

I am in love with the farmhouse look! Nothing is more farmhouse than cotton blossoms. I have seen cotton blossom wreaths everywhere. I knew I had to have one or ten! But they can be pretty expensive online and in most retail stores. So I decided to make my own faux cotton blossomwreath. I am going to show you exactly how you can too!

I use a large cardboard box as the base of my wreath. I cut out a circle about 18 inches around.  Then I cut the inside of the wreath out. The width of my wreath is 3 inches wide.

I hot glued 4 cotton balls together, so that they looked just like a blossom. I used the larger size cotton balls because I wanted my wreath to look full.

I have a million pine cones in my backyard. So for this project I gathered a few. I used 7 large pinecones for this wreath. They were pretty easy to take a part.


After I glued the 4 cotton balls together I glued the pine cone pieces on the outer area of each blossom.


I glue the first section all around the outer area of the wreath. Some of the cotton blossoms are glued in different directions because I liked the way it looked on the edge. This is a little time consuming but I just put on a movie and went to town. It was super easy and it went by quick.

After I glued the outer section of my cotton blossoms I was ready to start on the inside. These cotton blossoms are all glued in the same direction because the inside looks cleaner and even that way. Because this section is smaller it didn’t take as long as the outside.

After I glued all the cotton blossoms on, it was almost ready to be hung. I painted the back of my wreath with white acrylic paint. I didn’t want anyone to be able to see that it was a cardboard box on the back. I had originally made this wreath to hangout on the wall above my fireplace mantle but decided it would look better hanging on the mirror in the family room. So that’s why I painted the back white.

Here is the finished look!

That’s it guys. It’s a super fun DIY project for that farmhouse look that we all love! Thanks for stopping by.


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