Make this Easy DIY Heart Valentine’s Day Sign in 10 Minutes!

Hello friends! How is your 2019 going so far? We are a week and a half in and it feels so amazing to be in a new year. I absolutely love starting fresh and creating new goals for each year. It’s the best feeling ever when you create a goal and you are able to cross it off your to-do list.
I have so many BIG goals I plan on crushing this year. You should be doing the same thing! A lot of you know that I work on the blog full time. Which is so nice blogging and crafting as my full time job. That means that while I am working all day long I listen to podcasts or audio books.. Who else loves podcasts?
Seriously nothing pumps me up more or motivates me for the day than listening to some motivational words. One of my favorite ladies to listen to is Rachel Hollis. If you haven’t heard of her after blog post GO LOOK HER UP! You will be so glad you did!
So that’s really what has been getting me prepared and ready for this year. Is just creating new goals for the blog and ideas for all the amazing content I will be giving you. Seriously you guys… I can’t wait.
So if you want to make sure you are in the loop with the Blog be sure to sign up for email updates and you will be the first to know what’s going on! As well as SOOOOO many freebies that only my email list gets!
So Valentine’s Day is next month. I love this holiday so much. Y’all know I go all out for holidays because that’s just how I am! LOL
So Tyson and I usually out to a nice dinner and over the years we have stayed in some cute hotels for a night away. Which is always so much fun.
I love decorating for Valentine’s day it’s nice to throw that Winter decor back into storage and bring out all the pink and red EVERYTHING!
So today I want to show you how to make a super easy Valentine’s Day heart wood sign for cheap!
If was so quick to make and I love the way it turned out.
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Items you will need for this project:
These Styrofoam glitter balls are some balls that I got in the Christmas decor aisle in Hobby Lobby. But I found the exact one’s for you on Amazon. You can find them here.

I had an extra wood sign from my shop that measured 12×12 that I just painted white. Once it was painted and dry I drew a heart on the sign. I free handed it without a stencil because I wasn’t too worried about a perfect shape because my foam balls would be covering the edge.

So I hot glued the balls to fit inside the heart.

Carefully I started gluing them on the edge of the heart. I found it was easier and looked better when I pushed the foam balls together to create a tighter look. I didn’t want huge gaps in between them.

Here you can see it almost done. Sooo cute! You will want to go through and remove all the hot glue strings that you see.

You guys this Valentine’s Day sign was so easy and fun to make. The best part is that it barely cost anything to make!!! So if you make it or any other fun projects you got going on don’t forget to tag me on Instagram. I love seeing all your DIY’s!
Here it is! It looks perfect in my kitchen! Stay tuned friends this month we have TONS of fun Valentine’s Day crafts on the blog. Sign up below.

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